DAS RHEINGOLD NEXT THE RHINEGOLD IN RETURN FOR FREIA 183cm x 183cm Wotan's wife Fricka convinces him that he has made a terrible mistake giving Feia to the Giants as the Immortals were already loosing their youth and beauty without her Golden Apples. Loge convinces the Giants, Fasolt and Fafner, to accept Gold instead. In Scene Three, Loge and Wotan descend to Nibelheim to steal the Rhinegold from Alberich. Loge tricks Alberich into showing off the magic of the Tarnhelm, by turning himself into a toad, whereupon they capture him. Alberich trades his Gold, the Ring and the Tarnhelm for his freedom.The Gold and the Tarnhelm are given to the Giants, but they demand also The Ring, which Wotan does not want to part with. left to right Loge, Fasolt, Fafner, Freia, Fricka, wifa of Wotan, Froh, Donner, Wotan